Four Reasons Your Social Security Disability Claim Can be Denied


Social Security Administration (SSA) pays Social Security Disability (SSD) payments to qualified people with disabilities and can no longer work. It has a set of guidelines for when to award these benefits. Because of the complicated and extensive requirements, SSD claims can be denied. 

SSD claims are often denied if the disability is not considered critical enough to prevent a person from working. When a claim is denied, a claimant can file an appeal and wait for months or even years to get an answer to their appeal. If you are planning to file a disability claim with Social Security, you can increase your chances of getting the benefits you deserve if you work with a Fayetteville social security disability attorney. Your attorney will consider the common reasons for denials of Social Security disability claims to avoid them. The following are the common reasons an SSD claim can be denied:

Too Much Earning

The SSD program lets you make a little more than $1000 per month and still get SSD benefits. If you earn too more than a certain amount, the SSA will believe you are capable of earning a reliable income and deny your claim. An experienced lawyer with knowledge of SSA laws can help you maximize your SSD payments and still stay employed. 

Temporary or Non-Serious Disability

A lot of claims based on vehicle accidents are denied when SSA doctors assert the injury will heal in 12 months. But, serious injuries can take longer than a year to heal and include post-recovery therapies, hospital stays, and medications. If you want to expedite a denied claim, your attorney must contact medical experts who specialize in some injuries and collect medical information to substantiate the seriousness of your disability. 


For the SSA, those who are under 50 years old are healthy enough to get a job different from what they used to do. For instance, if you worked as a machine operator for fifteen years and developed a condition at age 40 that makes it impossible or difficult for you to stand on your feet for hours, doctors from the SSA may say that you can look for a job that lets you sit all day.

Incomplete Claims

You need more than just signed documentation from your doctor that states you are disabled to win your SSD claim. You may need to provide the SSA with detailed testimonies from medical specialists that describe the extent of your disability, particularly after the first denial and appeal. Also, the agency will explore details regarding the cause of your disability.

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