Staying Safe from Dog Bites: What to Do


50% of dog bites come from pets that the victim knows, i.e., owned by a friend. 4.5 million dog bites are reported in the United States every year, with young children being the main victims. If you are a dog owner, there are important steps you must take to make sure that you and everyone around you is safe in the presence of your pet.

It is paramount to remember that dogs have natural instincts, and they can and will use them if they see fit, even on the owner. Male or female, big or small, any breed of dog will attack if it has been provoked or perceives a threat. If bitten, the wound runs the risk of becoming infected. Act quickly, irrigate the wound, and seek medical (and legal, if necessary) counsel.

Spaying or neutering is another method to curb a dog’s aggressive behavior, however easier and less invasive practices such as regular exercise and obedience training are reliable methods to try. Another tip is to put the dog in social situations beginning when it is a puppy. This allows the dog to be comfortable around people, other dogs, and other animal species.

To learn more on how to prevent dog bites, please see the accompanying resource provided by Van Sant Law.

Infographic courtesy of Van Sant Law, home to Atlanta’s injury attorneys

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